Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Like it?

Posted: May 5, 2012 in Uncategorized
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You put a picture on Facebook. Make a status-update. Share a new album. Leave a comment on something. Link to a video. And then you pretend ‘not to care’, but casually you check your Facebook page constantly to just see if there’s a notification. That red sign of shoulder pat. A little ‘like’ or a comment back. If you don’t get any response, or only just a few likes, the disappointment is great.

To get likes on Facebook is like getting recognition. Everything you do on Facebook is for it to be seen and liked by others. You design a status update so it will be liked. You put up a photo of yourself on a surfboard so everyone can see what you did for the day and like it (gave over 30 likes in no time). So if you don’t get any likes on whatever you put up, you kinda feel like taking it off again, cause then what’s the point? My friend put up a photo of a very high score in Tetris and didn’t get any likes on it for a while, and furthermore she commented on it, twice, as the only one. So she liked her own comments – sort of made it look like a good joke instead of bragging. And she also jokingly asked us to go like it.

Sometimes you’re surprised with who likes your things. And who doesn’t. Why does your friend from kindergarden, whom you barely talk to anymore, or the guy you talked to once in a bar while travelling that you know you’ll never see again, like your status or your photos or so? And why doesn’t your sister? Well, in my case, my sister is not that active on Facebook. So it very much depends on how often they are on Facebook and active they are when they are on.

It’s sort of a taboo if you don’t get any likes. And to be the first one to like something, cause you don’t wanna be the only one. There are certain things where you can tell it’s a safe liker. You know it’s gonna draw tons of likes and comments. So it’s safe to like it. And then there are some things where you are not so sure it’ll draw likes, so you hesitate to like it. To not be the only. That would be a bit of a taboo too.

Likes have elapsed in inflation though. It has even become a verb perfectly well integrated in a normal sentence. You like everything, and like is also a way of showing someone that you saw their comment, photo or so. If your dad comments on your photo, you like the comment just to show him you saw his comment. If you don’t it’s like leaving a high five hanging. Or at least that’s how it’s become. That is also why it becomes a tabooized thing to not get likes. Cause the it’s like your high five has been left hanging.

What’s your highscore in likes?