Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

You look at the calories burned-counter as you continue to push yourself on the treadmill. Burning calories is a big motivation factor for not ending the run, but it’s seems like it counts so slowly compared to the amount of sweat dripping off your body.

As you finally give in and press the red “STOP” button, you pat yourself on the shoulder congratulating your inner fighter. Now, in the fitness center at my school, there are a dozen of students as well as elders. They tend to clutter at very unfortunate times – just when you don’t want them to clutter.

There is a weight at the gym, both out in the area where people exercise and in the locker rooms.

Now, these weights are often very lonely. It’s like they’re surrounded by an aura of discomfort and people don’t want to step on to them. Sometimes you can see how people circle around it, gaining courage to step on to it or waiting for the right time where no one is looking. They drink some water, pretend to have business to do in the area where the weight is placed and when someone does see his or hers chance to step on to the weight and check up on the kilos, that’s the moment where all of a sudden you think everyone clutters around you, lining up to refill water bottles or whatever.

The flow of people in the area is probably as normal as always, but because you’re so conscious about who is looking while you’re weighing yourself, it seems like suddenly the eyes of the entire world are focused upon you and the number on that weight.

Cause seemingly the number on the weight is one of those small taboos you don’t want to talk about. A lot of people nearly constantly walk around with the idea of having a few pounds extra on the sides that you want to drop, so they feel embarrassed if people know their weight.

However, this is because the number on the weight is associated with the idea that it supposedly tells you everything about how thin or not-thin you are. But there’s a lot more to it than just numbers. Muscles weighing more than fat, height, clothes you’re weighing (everything counts, right?).

The other day a friend of mine was ecstatic about how she lost weight. When my other friend asked her how much she weighed now, she said that “I won’t tell you my weight, but I’ll tell you how many kilos I lost.” It illustrates perfectly well how we feel like this number on the weight determines such a big part of how others will perceive us. To many people, it is so personal that it is to be kept a secret. Only you know that number. And even if people presume they know your weight, you’re the only one who knows the real number. Cause let’s face it – if you do get caught in a “Well how much do you weigh”-question, you always say a lesser number – regardless of whether you take off only half a kilo or five…